Edinburgh University Theatre Company Safer Spaces Policy

Table of contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Zero Tolerance
  3. Breaches of Policy


Edinburgh University Theatre Company (EUTC) operates under a Safe Space Policy which covers all rehearsals, performances, social events, online events and other events taking place under the EUTC name. This policy is continually under review by the EUTC Committee, and this is just the starting point for creating a Safer Space for all EUTC members.

This policy outlines the collective commitment of all EUTC members and visitors to uphold and maintain an environment in which all members of the EUTC, and visitors to Bedlam Theatre feel welcome, respected, and able to fully participate in our events and activities, by actively challenging oppressive and discriminatory behaviour.

This Safe Space policy is supported and upheld primarily by the EUTC’s three welfare contacts. The two committee welfare contacts can be contacted via their committee emails, and the company welfare contact can be contacted at welfare@bedlamtheatre.co.uk. Further information about the Welfare Contacts can be found on the EUTC website.

This policy largely echoes, and is reinforced by the Edinburgh University Students’ Association’s Safe Space Policy, accessible on their website. In case of doubt, EUSA’s Safe Space Policy takes precedence. This policy has been developed alongside EUSA’s VP Welfare (vpwelfare@eusa.ed.ac.uk), and VP Activities (vpactivities@eusa.ed.ac.uk), and we’d encourage any of our members to reach out to them with any concerns.

It is also important to note that this policy exists within a legal framework that includes the Equality Act (2010) and Hate Crime legislation.

Zero Tolerance

To ensure a safe space can be maintained for all members of the EUTC and visitors to Bedlam Theatre, the EUTC operates a Zero Tolerance policy towards the following behaviours:

  • Harassment, defined as any behaviour which is directed at an individual or group which is non-consensual. This includes sexual harassment such as cat-calling, groping (including, but not limited to unwanted deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering or pinching) or stalking.

  • Abuse, covering both verbal and physical abuse, including sexual assault, which results in an individual or group feel intimidated or unsafe.  

  • Discrimination, including verbal and physical expressions of discrimination, based on any characteristics, including but not limited to:

  • Age 

  • Class 

  • Disability or Mental Illness 

  • Gender 

  • HIV/AIDS Status 

  • Marriage and Civil Partnership 

  • Nationality and Country of Citizenship 

  • Political Affiliation 

  • Pregnancy and Maternity 

  • Race or Ethnicity 

  • Religion and Belief 

  • Sex Worker Status 

  • Sexuality 

  • Trans Status  

  • Violence, defined as any act of physical intimidation or aggression, including threats of violence.

All members of the EUTC and visitors to Bedlam Theatre are accountable for their own conduct, and must refrain from the behaviours listed above. We would also encourage everyone to:

  • Be aware of the connotations of their language.  

  • Avoid making assumptions about another person’s gender, pronouns, sexuality, disability, ethnic identity, or life experiences.  

  • Be prepared to challenge harassment and discrimination if they are witness to an incident, and where appropriate to report it through one of the methods outlined in section 3.  

  • Be open if challenged on their own behaviour, and to learn from the experience.  

  • Be respectful of other’s physical and emotional boundaries.

The EUTC Committee is responsible for ensuring that members of the EUTC are aware of this Safe Space Policy.

Breaches of Policy

We actively encourage the reporting of incidents that constitute a breach of the Safe Space Policy. 

It is the collective responsibility of all to uphold good conduct and challenge others’ unacceptable behaviour. 

If you experience or witness an incident which you believe is in breach of the Safe Space Policy you can report it through any of the following channels:  

  • At the time, to a member of EUTC Committee or the Duty Manager, who will direct it as appropriate (as per Duty Manager training)   

  • At a later date, by filling out the complaints box on bedlamtheatre.co.uk

  • At a later date, by emailing welfare@bedlamtheatre.co.uk

The EUTC’s Complaints Procedure is confidential and impartial. Incidents will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and the behaviour and impartiality of the EUTC’s Welfare Contacts is bound by Article 3C/3 of the EUTC Constitution. The procedure for the removal of a Welfare Contact can be found in Article 4D/4.

If an individual is found to have breached the Safe Space Policy they may face one or more of the following actions (listed here in ascending order of severity), at the discretion of the EUTC’s welfare contacts, as per the EUTC Constitution:  

  • Verbal Warning  

  • Removal from Venue

  • Temporary suspension of EUTC Membership, and associated privileges as per the EUTC Constitution

  • Revoking of EUTC Membership, and associated privileges, as per the EUTC Constitution

  • Escalation to EUSA’s Societies team, although this is not a last resort and can be done at any time. Welfare Contacts can also escalate incidents to EUSA at any point.

This list in non-exhaustive, and will be reviewed and applied on a case by case basis.

If you would like to report an incident to the Edinburgh University Students’ Association, this can be done through emailing EUSA’s complaints team, at complaints@eusa.ed.ac.uk.

If you would like to report an incident to the Police, you can access support and advice (including information on Third-Party Reporting) through the Advice Place, the Students’ Association’s impartial and confidential advice service. Even if you are unsure as to what you want as a result of disclosing or reporting a crime, the Advice Place can help you understand your options and inform you on how to access support.

Copyright © Edinburgh University Theatre Company. Bedlam Theatre, Edinburgh, EH1 1EZ, Scotland.